
Herodotus’ Histories (literally, ‘inquiry’) detail the findings of the inquiries that Herodotus made on his extensive travels through the Mediterranean Greek world, as well as information that he gleaned from interviews and informants. Herodotus’ historical method was groundbreaking in how he obtained information, and in how he would come to use that information to posit causal relationships between events and cultures. For this reason, he is called the ‘Father of History’. Due to his focus on the Persian Wars and its history, this timeline includes important dates of the Persian-Greek conflicts of 5th century BCE.

To view the timeline on a separate page, click here.



  1. Dahlman, Friedrich Christoph. The Life of Herodotus. Translated by G.V. Cox, John W. Parker, 1845.
  2. Martin, Thomas R. Herodotus and Sima Qian: The First Great Historians of Greece and China. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2010, pp. 2-7.
  3. Cancik, Hubert, and Helmuth Schneider. “Herodotus.” Brill’s New Pauly. Brill, 2005, pp. 266-271.
  4. Eusebius. The Ecclesiastical History. Harvard UP, 1926. LCL 153.
  5. Pliny the Elder. Natural History. Harvard UP, 1938. LCL 371.